What does it Mean to be Self Aware?

Healthy self-awareness means:

1. Being aware of our changing emotions, and knowing who and what tends to trigger them. Then, using that knowledge to choose how you respond.

2. Being aware of our negative, destructive thoughts patterns, and challenging our tendencies to jump to wrong conclusions … or to over-exaggerate how terrible things are.

3. Being aware of what is happening, and changing, in our bodies so we know when we are stressed, or are reaching breaking point.

4. Understanding our habits and behavioural patterns – so we’re not at their mercy, and they don’t control our lives.

5. Being aware of our assumptions and expectations, and knowing how they influence various aspects of our lives – like the goals we set, and the things we say and do.

6. Being aware of how our actions, our words and responses affect and influence other people in our lives (in both a positive and negative way).

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