Top 5 Beautiful Thoughts of Life - May 2017 Thoughts

To practice forgiveness, we must be willing to forgive ourselves. There is no one reading this that hasn’t made a few major life mistakes; it’s part of the human experience. Holding onto the pain and guilt is not only self-limiting and unnecessary; it prevents us from forgiving others. Tonight, begin to let it go

The first step is so important but it’s only with the second step that we fully let go of where we were and that’s when our next adventure officially begins. Sending you hope, courage and love tonight as you step into the beautiful space of becoming!

We’ve been taught that sticks and stones may break our bones, and words will never hurt us. But that’s not true. Words can be incredibly powerful, - especially the words we use when talking to ourselves. Begin to carefully listen; what are you telling yourself about your dreams, your goals, your hopes and the challenges you face? And as you listen, ask yourself if you need a re-write that is more positive, hopeful and encouraging

Yes, I can. Yes, I will. Yes, I did! Today counted! For some of us it was a good day and for others it was much more challenging. Either way, we are each here now for the same reason - to pause for a moment in the warm, supportive and caring energy that we are co-creating and so freely sharing. Because of each of you my hope for tomorrow grows even stronger. Sleep tight. 

We all need a little encouragement and advice from time to time, no matter what our age. Sometimes that advice is full of humor, sometimes it is heartfelt, and sometimes it’s a little bit of both.
You’re never too old or too young to give and receive advice, and you never know what may help someone (or yourself) get their feet moving in the right direction.
Be open to helping others and accepting that help in return

How to Get Everything in Your life- The Biggest Secret Behind Success is Finally Revealed

““Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.” ― Paulo Coelho

We’re bombarded by mixed messages. We’re taught to think it through and employ rational decision-making. Other times, we’re told to use our gut and follow our heart.

Therefore, by using destiny tuning, we become more self-aware, self-reliant, empowered, and enriched. Specifically, the destiny tuning technique relies heavily on your heart. While you’re using your mind to pinpoint and focus on your dream, it’s your heart that acts as a tuning fork, changing your vibrational frequencies. But what is the importance of such frequencies?

In a nutshell, our thoughts, which are ultimately controlled by our emotions, carry magnetic energy. As a result, we’re walking and talking magnets that attract anything that happens to be on our same frequency.

When we’re imbued with happiness and joy, we’re likely to attract higher frequency, fulfilling outcomes.

When we’re filled with the low vibrational frequencies of anguish, anxiety, disappointment, and bitterness, guess what happens? We attract lower frequency, unhappy outcomes.

This is just expanding the idea of the Law of Attraction.

So in the Manifestation Miracle, you’ll discover how to increase your vibrational frequencies to magnetize exactly what you want to transpire. These fun activities will enable you to better shape your thoughts by changing the emotions that are responsible for thoughts.

What is the shift or change in your belief that is bought about by Destiny Tuning?

Well we are raised to believe that hard work and struggle = success. So we think if we want to manifest our desires, or to be happy in life, we need to put in a huge amount of work and effort.

Well look at the energy in that belief, it comes from a place of lack, and has a element of negativity to it.

So that is exactly what the law of attraction gives us. It gives us hard work and struggle to get our desires. How much hard work and struggle is required for you to manifest your desire? Well that depends on whether you believe you have worked hard enough for your desire …

Most people will never have enough self worth to ever believe they deserve the desires they want, and are too tough on themselves to think they have worked hard enough to manifest their desire.

So what is the end result for most people?

Their desire never manifests for them, and they really start to question if the law of attraction actually does work.

Sadly the universe then reflect this doubt back to them in their reality (Remember the law of attraction is always at work!)

Secrets in This System

manifestation miracle is the system that makes universe obey your commands. It is a bundle of secret techniques which forces the universe to give you the things you desire, while being in nature's limitations. The book has gained much popularity because of its simplicity and effective methods, which you can apply from the day one. Within a short span of time, you will start noticing the results as well. It lets you enjoy happiness without much struggling for it.

Who's This Program For?

  • This really is for you if you feel just like you've lots of absence in your lifetime, and you wish to encounter more variety.
  • This really is for you if you believe that only others deserve to see variety within their existence.
  • Although you've tried creating appeal work with your law, but don't have any success using what you're currently performing, this really is for you.
  • This really is for you if you're prepared to then add healthy practices into your lifetime and eliminate some harmful types.
  • If you desire to be happier with your associations oneself, as well as your lifestyle, this really is foryou!
  • Manifestation Miracle Professionals

What is Included ?

  • This program centers around the things truly assist you to obtain in a situation where you begin to attract more of what you would like and increase your energy and that issue.
  • The whole program is in MP3 as well as in PDF.
  • The section recaps where Brooke Ryan and Level Ling protect the section provide you with more to consider. That is ideal for truly overriding some unconscious values which are currently keeping you back from performing satisfying items that provide you with a large amount of meaning in life. The reason being the more you hear and study about these ideas, the more you'll take them into your lifetime.
  • Workouts at the conclusion of every section to assist you apply the lesson learned inside it.
  • A-21-time book which has good routines to assist you create some good routines that gain your lifetime both ultimately and straight.
  • Of who you wish to be the mindtracks that assist you to tell oneself.
  • Bonus eBooks for health.
  • Advantage movie (151:28 long) with attitude principles that help you to get on the route of success and wealth.

Modules of Manifestation Miracle

The book has been divided into various modules. The first module of the book deals with concentrating on the vital things, which play an essential role in your life. As you proceed, the second module will explain you need to learn in order to achieve the things you always desired in your life. This will help you eliminating the distracting elements and focusing on what is really important. It explains how to harness the power of the universe to bring about positive changes in your life. It also follows the law of attraction that will help you achieve your goals. The proven techniques are created in a way to radiate the natural energy and bring a balance in your life.

The Key Points About the Book

If we talk about the positive aspects of the book, then there are many. It is written in plain English, which is easy to understand and implement. Readers can easily purchase it online and can benefit from the easy to follow techniques. Best of all, it is affordable to purchase. You will begin to achieve more success by following easy to follow instructions


This program influenced my entire life in a large way and actually did provide me too much to consider. It helped me overcome some damaging practices that I kept around, create some good routines that I seriously need in my own life, also it helped me differentiate my life in ways to ensure that I focused on what truly mattered IN MY EXPERIENCE! That’s the type of items that can help you enter the frame of condition and mind where you are able to reveal a myriad of good stuff.

I would recommend Manifestation Miracle  to anybody who would like to enhance their existence AND really wants to attract things that can give the life span they need to them.

By taking the practical steps introduced by the Manifestation Miracle system, you’ll be well on your way to paving the future of your dreams. Reread the major principles taught and you’ll understand how this resource can help you achieve your aims.

The vast majority of Manifestation Miracle reviews have been glowing. How can they not when this manual preaches and teaches universal laws that can lead to higher consciousness, a greater sense of self and spiritualty, and attracting the universal abundance that is so accessible should we choose to open our eyes.

The material is thorough, well-organized, and presented in easy-to-read fashion. Its 159 pages can be accessed via a digital download PDF or soft-bound book.

Hopefully, you found this Manifestation Miracle review the most complete and helpful one online. I want to be the one who serves as a manifestation messenger – the person who lets you know about a powerful resource that can serve as the impetus to change your life.

 Download Manifestation Miracle

10 Types of Emotional Manipulator

10 Types of Emotional Manipulator

1. The Constant Victim 
This kind of individual will always finds a way to end up as a victim in their relationships.

2. One-Upmanship Expert 
This person uses put downs, snide remarks and criticisms, to show that they’re superior, and know much more than you.

3. Powerful Dependents 
They hide behind the mask of being weak and powerless – then use their helplessness to dominate relationships. That is, they send the subtle message “you must not let me down.”

4. Triangulators 
This person tries to get other people on their side. They’re quick to put you down, and to say some nasty things. They separate good friends or drive a wedge in families.

5. The Blasters 
They blast you with their anger or they blow up suddenly. That stops you asking questions - in case there’s a showdown.

6. The Projector 
This person thinks they’re perfect and others have the flaws. They take no ownership – because they’re never, ever wrong.

7. The Deliberate Mis-Interpreter 
They seem like a nice person – but they twist and use your words. They spread misinformation and misinterpret you. Thus, they deliberately present you in a false, negative way.

8. The Flirt 
This person uses flirting to get their way in life. They want to be admired and to have an audience. However, your feelings and your needs are of no concern to them.

9. The Iron Fist 
They use intimidation and throw their weight around, to use you for their ends, and to get their way in life.

10. The Multiple Offender 
This person uses several of the techniques we’ve described – and they’ll often switch between them if it suits their purposes.

8 Brain Damaging Habits That You Must Know

Avoid some of the Main Brain Damaging Habits

1. No Breakfast – People who don’t eat breakfast have lower blood sugar levels. This can lead to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain (and to underperformance in terms of thinking, processing , retrieval and memory skills).

2. Overreacting – This can flood the brain with chemical which interferes with clear thinking, logical analysis and memory.

3. Smoking – This can cause a shrinkage in the brain, and possibly lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

4. High Sugar Consumption – Consuming too much sugar interferes with the absorption of proteins and nutrients. These are essential for healthy brain development.

5. Air Pollution – The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain. Again, this can reduce and interfere with the brain’s healthy functioning.

6. Sleep Deprivation – Sleep allows our brain to rest and rejuvenate itself. Long term sleep deprivation accelerates the death of brain cells. It interferes with putting down new memory traces, effective problem solving and memory retention.

7. Exercising your Brain in Times of Illness – Working or studying during times of sickness can lead to a ineffective thinking, poor processing, and to poor memory and retention.

8. Lack of Stimulation – Thinking is the best way to train our brain. Lack of stimulation can prevent new neural pathways from forming. It can also prevent us from reaching our potential in terms of creative thinking and analytical thinking. Source: The World Health Organisation

What to do when you get a bad grade

What to do when you get a bad grade

1. Don’t mope around and keep beating yourself up. That will only distract you from your studying, and stop you from doing your best in other subjects.

2. Remember a bad grade is only a bad grade. It doesn’t mean you’re worthless or have failed as a person.

3. Try and find a way to let your feelings out through some kind of physical activity. For example, through running, jogging, or going to the gym.

4. Aim to do better on the next test you have. There will still be other tests where you can get a higher mark. Maybe see it as a wake-up call, and change your study habits.

5. Try and figure out why you received the bad grade. Do you need to study more, or to learn some new techniques? Did you not fully understand the course material? Did you just have a bad day, or were you tired or feeling sick?

6. Get extra help from your teachers if you need it. Most of them are happy to answer students’ questions.

7. Be determined to keep going and to persevere. It’s easier to do well with a good attitude.

Tips for Healing a Broken Heart

Tips for Healing a Broken Heart

1. Go through – don’t hide from - the experience. You need to fully experience all the negative emotions before the healing process can begin.

2. Allow yourself to wallow in your independence. Don’t rush into a new relationship. You don’t need another person to make you feel complete. You’re enough in yourself. You are NOT inadequate.

3. Make a list of your strengths. It’s important that you focus on your good qualities as a broken heart can cause our self-esteem to plummet. Make a note of your successes and accomplishments. They didn’t disappear with the relationship!

4. Don’t try to suppress all the memories you have. Allow yourself some time to go over one or two … But don’t pitch your tent there - as the future’s now your focus.

5. Reach out to others who are suffering. You’re not the only person who is having a hard time (although you often feel you are when you’re broken-hearted) … and comforting another will distract you from your pain.

6. Allow yourself to laugh, and allow yourself to cry. Both of these are healing, and can bring release. They can help us feel more “normal”, and can bring a sense of peace.

7. Make a “good and bad list”. Make a list of all the things that you need to stop doing, to try and put some distance between you and them. For example, if you’re always checking their stuff on facebook then you’ll likely find it is harder to get them out mind. Alternatively, going out for a jog or meeting up with a friend can help to lift your spirits, and to change the way you feel.

8. Hang onto your hope. When a relationship ends (or if our love is unrequited) we can feel that life is pointless as there’s nothing good ahead. But the future is still open – and there’s definitely hope … And one day you will notice that you’re smiling naturally.

What does it Mean to be Self Aware?

Healthy self-awareness means:

1. Being aware of our changing emotions, and knowing who and what tends to trigger them. Then, using that knowledge to choose how you respond.

2. Being aware of our negative, destructive thoughts patterns, and challenging our tendencies to jump to wrong conclusions … or to over-exaggerate how terrible things are.

3. Being aware of what is happening, and changing, in our bodies so we know when we are stressed, or are reaching breaking point.

4. Understanding our habits and behavioural patterns – so we’re not at their mercy, and they don’t control our lives.

5. Being aware of our assumptions and expectations, and knowing how they influence various aspects of our lives – like the goals we set, and the things we say and do.

6. Being aware of how our actions, our words and responses affect and influence other people in our lives (in both a positive and negative way).

8 Ways to Destroy a Relationship

8 Ways to Destroy a Relationship

1. Be abusive
As well as physical abuse, this includes put-downs, sarcasm, negative comments, withholding affection, stonewalling, refusing to talk, and repeatedly threatening to leave the relationship.

2. Be defensive
 Individuals who are always on the defensive are so wrapped up in protecting themselves that they rarely grow in their relationships. They won’t admit that they have faults and so end up committing the same mistakes again and again. This eventually destroys the relationship.

3. Be critical
While there’s a place for the occasional critical remark, if you’re always complaining and pointing out their flaws then you’ll soon undermine your partner’s self-esteem. In all areas of life, a critical person is an unattractive person.

4. Be always right
If you’re always right, the other person’s always wrong – and who wants to feel that they have nothing to contribute, or their point of view is stupid, unwanted and wrong.

5. Be narcissistic and selfish 
The person who always has to have their own way, or who’s only interested in their own needs and desire has little to add to a relationship.

6. Be dishonest 
Trust is at the heart of all good relationships. If you can’t be real and honest, or are not dependable, then there’s no foundation for a strong relationship. This includes being unfaithful or hiding the whole truth.

7. Be superior
 If you’re quick to judge others or to put people down, or you think that you are better than everybody else (more intelligent, prettier, cooler etc) then you’re setting yourself up for a lifetime of heartache. For although we all have strengths, and we may excel at times, each person is unique and is worthy of respect.

8. Be controlling
 A relationship’s a gift. That person’s not your property. They’re allowed to be themselves, with their own views and beliefs. They don’t answer to you; they don’t have to change themselves; they’re autonomous and free – they’re not there to be controlled.